Light Educational Ministries has a number of people throughout Australia who are formally qualified and endorsed as Registered Instructors in the LEM Phonics method. Each of these instructors is trained to competently conduct the LEM Phonics Introductory Course. We encourage you to contact the person nearest to you for assistance or for purchase of LEM Phonics materials.
John Garrard - Coordinator
200 Florey Drive, Charnwood ACT 2615
(02) 6259 3944
Click here to email
Click here to order resources
When Evelyn Garrard retired in 2017, her son John took over the leadership role for the LEM Phonics program. John is no stranger to phonics, having been taught phonics at our school and having worked with his mother at LEM for seventeen years reviewing, editing and designing the LEM Phonics materials. John and his wife Linda have also taught their four children at home using LEM Phonics. With the assistance of the other Registered Instructors John has taken on a major review of the program called ‘LEM Phonics 2020’, introducing many improvements to simplify the teaching process and make the program more consistent. He continues to develop, instruct and promote LEM Phonics as he coordinates the production and release of our new resources.
Greg O’Keefe
‘Ardlui’, c/- Post Office, Greenmount Qld 4359
0438 673 024
Click here to email
To order through Greg please phone 0438 673 024
Greg O’Keefe has been a teacher for over four and a half decades, with extensive experience in all grade levels from Preschool to Year 10. He has a keen interest in literacy, particularly the way in which children acquire language. Greg’s wide international teaching experience (using LEM Phonics in a non-English speaking context) has given him an outstanding depth of knowledge in the area of teaching literacy.
Barbara Soutter
c/- Donvale Christian College, 155 Tindals Road, Donvale Vic 3111
(03) 9844 2471
Click here to email
Barbara began her teaching career in 1981 but in 1986 she took several years off to raise her three children. In 2004 she recommenced teaching and in 2008 became an LEM Phonics Registered Instructor, using the programme at Donvale Christian College. She is passionate to see children learn to read and write through the LEM Phonics program.
Frances Prentice
PO Box 697, Chinchilla Qld 4413
0429 405 767
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Beginning her education career in 1994, Frances worked as a Speech Pathologist before becoming an Advisory Visiting Teacher for Speech Language Impairment, and has also taught kindergarten and primary classes. She has five children and whilst raising them has worked part time as a Learning Support Teacher and tutor. Frances became an LEM Phonics Registered Instructor in 2018 with a vision to help teachers and students learn a comprehensive form of literacy, giving them the confidence to achieve their potential.
Carmel Houghton
Duffy ACT 2611
0447 549 798
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Click here to order resources
Carmel began as a primary school teacher in 1994 and was introduced to intensive phonics three years later through an LEM Phonics Conference. Since then she has lived in different locations around Australia and the United States gaining valuable teaching experience in a number of schools. In 2020 Carmel became a Registered Instructor as an avenue for sharing with educators and students the importance of teaching intensive phonics. Her great desire is to equip children with the life-long literacy skills necessary to become independent readers and writers.